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Farm Life Comics- Goat Scaping

Writer: megansimonsmsmegansimonsms

As we go through life, I find times when something humorous or memorable happens. Many times these incidents remain in our memories, but sometimes I can get them down on paper before they completely disappear!

Below are a series of comics or drawings I've made showing some of the more light-hearted times on the ranch. Scroll on down and enjoy!

Goats must be master mathematicians, specifically talented in geometry. Invariably they will always find the exact angles required to pull in exactly the opposite directions, no matter how many other goats are tied to the same stake!

I bet you didn't know there was a Goat Local, but oh yea, the labor movement had even recruited our goats into the Union. Not sure when Blue became the Union Boss, but... well he's assumed the mantle.

Rolling, rolling, rolling... Rolling, rolling, rolling... Goat heard! (Sung to the tune of Rolling, rolling, rolling, rawhide!)

Occasionally we can trick the goats into thinking they're lemmings. Not often, but occasionally a plan will come together!

You've heard of the running of the bulls... well at BirdHaven Ranch we do things a little differently: we have the Running of the Goats instead!

Yaaaaaaaaawwwwwn, just waiting around, ready to go home and take our siesta

Yes, up you go! NO, COME BACK HERE. NO, don't eat that. Ahh, I'm not your butting post! Wait... yes, there you go, up... no, not down, UP! UP! Oh well, we'll get there eventually.

Famous Last Words

We're loading, we're loading... NO, we're not unloading. Hey! Come back here! NO, not unloading, we're loading!.

For those of you unfamiliar with goat etiquette, the above is not one goat trying to lord it over another. Rather, this is an invitation to play. Or butt heads. Oh... wait, it's one and the same thing.

Oh look! You have a leaf! I want it! No, it's mine! (Head butt). No, it's mine. (Head butt). Mine (Head butt). Mine (Head butt). (15 Head butts later) What are we butting heads over again? Umm.... I forgot. You wanna butt heads again? OH YEAH! (Head butt).

Weeds? What weeds? Ahh, I thought you brought us out here to laze around. You know, work on our tans, chew our cuds, generally have a good ol' time. What? No thanks, we don't want any weeds, thank you though.

Hey look! A weed! What? We've walked past this weed a million times before? And we've always ignored it? Na, no way! It's never been here before! Oh wait! You want us to do something? Go somewhere? Sorry, we can't, we have to eat these weeds you say have always been here, but we've never seen them before. Honest!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoying our comics. They're goaty and witty and down to earth, and I enjoy drawing them, they are a peaceful way for me to remember and relive some of the wonderful things which happen on the farm.

We appreciate all the support and love our neighbors have given us as we are working to get this adventure up and off the ground. By God's Grace and Mercy we are making some great strides. Thank you all again.


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